Ok so here's an attempt as part of a lesson from JohnK's cartoon school blog.
Here's a link to the lesson:
Above is my first attempt to draw this toy. It's pretty wonky and the proportions are all out of whack the whiskers are too pointy and the space between and around the eyes it all wrong, amongst other things.
This one's a little better. The head is a better shape and I made more of an attempt to wrap forms around other forms.
I'm doing this in my lunch hour at work while eating Pad-thai, lunch hour is about over so that will have to do for now. More TC next week, hopefully.
20/9/10 - Third attempt. This is not much good. It's still really wonky and the negative space around the muzzle is off, maybe I had forgotten some of the things I had learned in the days between doing these...?
One thing I did notice today, that I hadn't previously is the the pupils below the bottom of the eyes. It's strange that I didn't see that the other day...
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